Author: Ricardo
Video Escort

Recording Your Shoots Models and photographers have different feelings about the need for escorts. Escorts are an unfortunate solution that must be tolerated to promote model safety. It is true that photographers must also be careful when dealing with strangers found on the internet or models that they are not familiar with, because photographers are … [Read more…]
Public Trust, A Shot Into Darkness

Public Trust is not related to jobs for minorities. There is no solution to police brutality down that path. If the President of the USA is afraid to meet this issue head on, then don’t expect a candidate for President, Governor, Mayor, Police Commissioner, Council Member, Judge, or Police Chief to do any better. The … [Read more…]

Players with exceedingly big hearts are willing to sacrifice part of their salary to the team to otherwise pursue prospective stars. This money comes straight out of the player’s pockets and it is investment in the team. It is fundamentally fair to consider this to be an ownership move, and teams that request such concession … [Read more…]
LGBTs In Our Bathrooms? Has Obama and The DOJ Lost Their Damned Minds? What Do You Say?

Let there be no mistake about it, I say Yes, Obama and the DOJ have lost their damned minds! No way in Hell. I am a lifetime Democrat and I will absolutely, in no way, vote for any Democrat that supports this policy and tactic. Enough! First of all, what do you think qualifies you … [Read more…]
DONALD TRUMP These “People” Want To Fight The Civil War Again To Get “Their Country” Back!

Republican Party? In all truth, I have absolutely no idea. What I see is a celebrity business tycoon that wishes to append his personal legend with the Presidency Hash Mark. You see, “Everybody Loves Me, …, I am, …, The Most Interesting Man Alive”! As to why this walking headline selects the Republican Party appears … [Read more…]

Michael Jordan will be a Supreme Inspiration for as long as there is a game called Basketball. If I were to elevate the discussion to include the entirety of Human Pursuit of Excellence, then Jordan’s name and his Legacy will remain very prominent. Michael was the Ultimate example of Excellence. There are many basketball players … [Read more…]
Nudity, Artistic vs Implied

I shoot Nudity, and I have no inhibitions about it in any way. There are no prohibitions found in the Holy Scriptures on Nudity. Christians and Muslims that think that there are scriptural restrictions, do not know what they are talking about and they are referring to the laws of man and using them as … [Read more…]
There is talk of the 12 Basketball players that will represent the USA at the Summer Olympic Games in Rio De Janiero next year. RIO! So let me list the 12 (TWELVE) players: Steph Curry, Russ Westbrook, Lebron James, Kevin Durant, James Harden Paul George, Kobe Bryant, Kyrie Irving, Derrick Rose, Jimmy Butler, Chris Paul, Carmelo Anthony, Chris Bosh, Blake … [Read more…]